This article contains a simple tutorial on how to edit the style of line features in the map - mainly roads and streets. In case you are interested in deeper and more complex map styling, please visit the following section of MapTiler documentation.
How to customize a line feature
Open your profile at MapTiler Cloud and select the map in which you want to edit the style.
In our case, it is the Streets Map.
Click it and you shall see the preview of the map with several predefined styles and hyperlinks for displaying the map in various online viewers. Go and click on Customize a Copy button.
MapTiler Customize tool will open and you will be able to edit the style of the entire map with all its features and objects.
Focus on the left panel where you can find a Layers button. On the right-hand side, there is the map preview window. This is where you can see your style edits in real-time (e.g. missing road label).
After clicking on the Layers button, a list of grouped layers will appear. If you want to change the visibility of a particular layer (in our case Road labels), click on the Transport group, find the Road labels layer, and click the little eye right next to the name of a layer. Your layer will either appear or disappear. There are other features that you can edit as well, such as visibility of a feature throughout the different zoom levels, transparency, labeling, and so on. All these features can be found in the menu on the left. For more detailed info about these editing options, please visit the article about Advanced customization.
The same principle applies if you want to change the style or visibility of the road labels (they are called highway shields on the map).
For advanced styling options, there are dropdowns with advanced properties on the right side of the panel.
You can also make the entire roads disappear, just as shown in this example, where all of the roads from Brno just vanished.
Once you are satisfied with the result, click SAVE and the window where you can rename your newly created map will appear.
Click Create and Safe and your map will now appear among other maps in the section My maps.
You can work with your newly styled map from here. You can publish it via various tools and services. And here is more info about how to Publish your geodata.
To make your map available for use, click on the Publish button. Now you have your own customized map ready to use in the way you need.
Dobrý den, chtěl bych se zeptat, jestli náhodou neorganizujete nějaké kurzy, kde bych se naučil seriózně nadesignovat styl mapy v prostředí Maptileru. Takhle je to ode mně pořád takový systém pokus omyl, na něco kliknu a buď se něco stane nebo se nestane nic.-) Teď ještě máte nové rozhraní na úpravy, sice to je přehlednější, ale stejně to moc nechápu. Hlavně mi jde o to, jak třeba zobrazit v určitém měřítku POI nebo ulice, které chci apod... Další úpravy si potom dělám v QGIS. Prostě bych se rád naučil s tímto systémem seriozně pracovat.
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