To add your points, lines, and polygons to a map, you don't have to be a programmer. It is super easy with the MapTiler Cloud Data editor.
Create your data
In MapTiler Cloud administration, go to Data -> New Dataset or select an existing dataset.
Here, you can start creating your own data directly in the editor, or you can upload the dataset in GeoJSON, GPX, KML, Shapefile (and zipped Shapefile), and non-tiled GeoPackage format. Open the top-right hamburger menu and click "Import file."
You can also open any of the existing datasets and start editing it by clicking on "EDIT DATASET."
Create or modify points, lines, and polygons, add properties, and attach photos. You can edit your data on top of our prepared maps or your own maps. When you are done with your modifications, click on the SAVE button.
Now, in the MapTiler Cloud administration, click on the Publish button.
Now, your geodata is ready for publication.
Useful links
Vector data editor elevated
Creating custom vector dataset
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